Role of Photographer
Sometimes, I wonder about my role as a photographer.
Am I a witness to the truth of living history? A gatekeeper of people’s memories? A seeker of candid emotions expressed visually? An explorer unraveling the wonders and beauty of this world?
After almost a decade of creating photos and videos, I have seen everyone’s joy and sadness, laughter and anger, fear and hope. In my time spent with them, I saw their brightest and darkest moments laid bare.
I have seen the lives of those who live in the shadows of poverty and those in the light of wealth. And yet they all lived in the same land, took part in the same culture, spoke the same language, and followed the same beliefs.
Over the past several years, I have captured thousands of memories and experiences, stored faithfully in the labyrinth of my digital archives.
But along my journey, I have faced countless ethical dilemmas and regret some of the choices I made which have affected the lives of my subjects. I am by no means a perfect artist, and I’ve reflected on my mistakes so I won’t hurt or offend anyone else.
One of the biggest ironies about myself as a photographer is that I have an irrational fear of approaching people because I’m afraid they will judge my actions and speech. I’m afraid I will be misunderstood and misunderstand them due to my disability as a deaf person.
Yet my short-lens camera demanded that I approach closer and get to know my subjects more intimately. Through this medium, I have begun to learn the value of human relationships and the meaning of humanity.
I believe that being a photographer is more than just being confined to the narrow frame of the viewfinder, which limits your world into one small space because it only represents a mere fraction of reality and truth. Being a photographer means looking outward and immersing oneself in a timeless living moment. We have to experience everything this world has to offer and learn from it.
John Uy